Community Liaison Committee

The Community Liaison Committee meets on a quarterly basis to discuss important issues with members of the community and to provide updates on Saint John LNG.

These meetings are a two-way dialogue: They are the community’s opportunity to gain information from us and then provide their feedback and they are our opportunity to hear the community’s views, insights and suggestions that we can act on. 

Membership of the Community Environmental Liaison Committee is voluntary and will reflect the diversity of local interests in the operation of the Saint John LNG Terminal. 

Committee Members will include:

  • Residents of the Red Head Area
  • Residents of greater Saint John area;
  • Fundy North Fishermen’s Association;
  • Saint John Board of Trade;
  • Enterprise Saint John;
  • ACAP;
  • Saint John LNG employees; and
  • Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air

Membership may change to maximize the contribution from the community. Prospective members must be brought forth to and approved by the Committee.

Download the minutes (PDFs):

If you have any questions 

or would like more information on the Community Liaison Committee and would like to participate, please contact us.

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